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And What Our Work Involves

WS Heritage is a commercial heritage consultancy supporting land and property owners, investors, developers and their agents in planning and development, across the UK. We also assist large commercial organisations and corporations, charities and government bodies.

What is Heritage Consultancy?

The nature and scope of our heritage consultancy is varied and extensive, ranging from baseline studies and feasibility for the purposes of concept design and pre-planning enquiry, through to the support of full planning stages and after; including the discharge of conditions and appeal.

Appeals may entail written representation, informal hearing or public inquiry. More typically, our work entails the production of Heritage Statements, seeking either planning permission in a conservation area; within the setting of a listed building; or straightforward listed building consent.

However, we also produce Character Appraisals, Visual Impact Assessments and Statements of Significance, perhaps seeking to have a building de-listed or a conservation area designation revisited with a view to omitting sites from either a new or amended boundary.

Otherwise, we will represent clients before the local planning authority (LPA), should you wish to oppose and object to a proposed development that will impact negatively upon your heritage asset, or the historic environment more generally in some way.

Enforcement or prosecution are also regularly addressed, and we will again act on your behalf to represent your case in writing or in person to either the LPA or Planning Inspectorate, seeking to have any action negotiated toward the satisfaction of all interested parties.