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Former Bus Station Site, Eastgate Street in Lewes, East Sussex

Project Outline

The application site is located within Lewes Conservation Area, designated in 1970, and is within the setting of various statutorily designated and locally recognised buildings. The site is also currently enjoying a Certificate of Immunity from Listing from 2022 to 2027. This application follows the previously refused application on 8th September 2022, and has been extensively amended to directly address the reasons for refusal in close conjunction with officers. The application site currently exhibits significant degradation that is considered a negative impingement upon the designated locale by every supplementary planning guidance and policy of relevance. This revised application submitted on 17th July 2023 comprises the demolition of existing buildings and the construction of mixed-used development comprising 3 houses (Class C3), 32 self-contained flats (Class C3), and 198m2 of ground floor commercial space (Class E), with associated alterations, landscaping and parking. The main thrust of amendment is to lower and consider more of the scale, massing, roof form, and proposed materials, to the extent that no adverse effect would result in relation to either the setting of nearby heritage assets or the overriding conservation area, but only enhancement.

The application site is located within Lewes Conservation Area, designated in 1970, and is within the setting of various statutorily designated and locally recognised buildings. The site is also currently enjoying a Certificate of Immunity from Listing from 2022 to 2027. This application follows the previously refused application on 8th September 2022, and has been extensively amended to directly address the reasons for refusal in close conjunction with officers. The application site currently exhibits significant degradation that is considered a negative impingement upon the designated locale by every supplementary planning guidance and policy of relevance. This revised application submitted on 17th July 2023 comprises the demolition of existing buildings and the construction of mixed-used development comprising 3 houses (Class C3), 32 self-contained flats (Class C3), and 198m2 of ground floor commercial space (Class E), with associated alterations, landscaping and parking. The main thrust of amendment is to lower and consider more of the scale, massing, roof form, and proposed materials, to the extent that no adverse effect would result in relation to either the setting of nearby heritage assets or the overriding conservation area, but only enhancement.



Application has granted planning consent on 13th September 2024.