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Upton Barns in Upton, Buckinghamshire

Project Outline

Proposals for this application site comprise the conversion and change of use of two modern agricultural barns into four new dwellings including demolition works, supplemented by general landscaping. The scheme follows a previous similar withdrawn application on 18th March 2024, of a more intensive development for five dwellings. The application site is a group of modern barns located within the setting of several designated heritage assets, which included Grade II Lower Farmhouse, designated in 1985, and Near Barn, Upton Barn, and Apple Tree Barn, designated in 1980, as well as located within the Dinton, Westlington, Upton and Gibraltar Conservation Area, designated in 1989. Despite these constraints, the current proposals submitted on 29th May 2024 had been amended by means of reducing the glazing along primary elevations, reducing the number and size of parking areas, and providing ample green screening throughout front and rear plots, in order to help maintaining the rural character of its setting and conservation area.

Proposals for this application site comprise the conversion and change of use of two modern agricultural barns into four new dwellings including demolition works, supplemented by general landscaping. The scheme follows a previous similar withdrawn application on 18th March 2024, of a more intensive development for five dwellings. The application site is a group of modern barns located within the setting of several designated heritage assets, which included Grade II Lower Farmhouse, designated in 1985, and Near Barn, Upton Barn, and Apple Tree Barn, designated in 1980, as well as located within the Dinton, Westlington, Upton and Gibraltar Conservation Area, designated in 1989. Despite these constraints, the current proposals submitted on 29th May 2024 had been amended by means of reducing the glazing along primary elevations, reducing the number and size of parking areas, and providing ample green screening throughout front and rear plots, in order to help maintaining the rural character of its setting and conservation area.
